Hi! If you're reading this, thank yourself--you must be a teacher!
If you're like me, you're probably becoming weary from holding all that vomit in your mouth every time you listen to the news or read anything related to education.
Did you ever stop to think about the truth here? I mean, if teachers are just a bunch of selfish commies with big paychecks all summer long and lavish retirement funds and guaranteed jobs for life, if schools are doing such a lousy job that nobody can read anymore and our society is on the verge of crumbling right before our eyes, why hasn't it already happened?
Today's teachers aren't that different from the teachers of a generation ago. We went to the same colleges. We took the same courses. Think of us as a software update. You know, teacher 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, etc. We're just slightly different iterations of the same program. Some things changed for the better: I think inclusion in special ed is a change for the better. Some things got worse. I think high stakes testing has so narrowed the curriculum that I am less of an artiste tweaking my lessons to engage the interests of students that I see first as people with varied interests, more of a human Pez dispenser upchucking discrete chunks of knowledge upon an unsuspecting and bored captive audience...
But if teachers are so evil and inept that Newsweek's cover implores readers thus: "We MUST Fire Bad Teachers", then the LEARNED leaders of our country had something similar to what we are today. So they must be calling themselves stupid. But they're too dumb to realize it. Honest.