Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Cooking the Books: The "New Normal" in Education

Even though the "Texas Miracle" was outed as a myth, teachers have still been pressured to slice and dice the curriculum into dishomogenized fragments, then to measure growth with such tools as "nonsense words" like some nightmare of jabberwocky...

Even though we know that children's environments have a lot more to do with their achievement than curriculum or who their teachers are...

Even though we can read about suspicious erasure patterns occurring in DC schools, causing test scores to "rise", well, suspiciously...

Where are the superintendents who defend their dedicated teaching staffs from all the bullying that is going on?  So far, I have found exactly one in the whole United States with the testicular fortitude to stand up for his teachers.

Why?  Didn't most superintendents begin their careers in the classroom?   Don't they feel uncomfortable about seeing their teachers burnt at the stake, day after day, state after state? 

Or are the quiet ones in cahoots with the attackers?  I wonder.